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Lund, Sweden Mission Trip

Wednesday, October 26 @ 2pm – Tuesday, November 1 @ 6pm

About 500 years ago, Martin Luther put up the 95 theses at the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, and the great reformation started. The 31st of October 2016 there will be a joint ecumenical commemoration of the start of the Reformation in Lund, Sweden. It is the 499 years anniversary for the reformation and Pope Francis will be there, together with the Lutheran World Federation, and representatives of other Churches.

As the reason for the reformation is about to be forgotten, and the spirit seems to fade, we want to rekindle the reformation! We need your help to distribute 144,000 GLOW tracts in Sweden when the reformation anniversary will take place, with the pope present. We need you to help us spread information on GLOW topics covering health, bible prophecies and information on the true reformation. With your help, the three angels messages will be preached to many people that never before have heard the truth. You should expect to meet people from Scandinavia during the trip and also from other countries around the world that will join.

The Reformation Continues!




Questions & Answers

Q: How do I sign up?

A: Fill in your info in the form above and make the payment. After we have received your payment we will send you a confirmation email and make your registration complete.

Q: What is the cost for this mission trip?

A: The registration fee for everyone will be 750 SEK or $90 USD, until October 6. After this, the price is 900 SEK or $105 USD. The rest of the cost ($4500 US) we will try to cover from donors. You could donate here and also see more details about all costs: http://www.empowermissions.org/events/empower-lund-2016/.

Q: Is there an age requirements?

A: No but we will evaluate all registrations and you need to be young enough to be physically fit for the mission trip and mature enough to take it seriously.

Q:  Will there be any training that we need for this mission trip?

A: Yes, but we will train you when you arrive.  Everyday of the mission trip we will have training worked into the schedule. You do not have to have some kind of literature distribution training beforehand.

Q: Who will be leading this mission trip?

A: Leaders will be experienced literature ministry leaders from Sweden.

Q: What kind of outreach will we be doing?

A: During the week we will divide up into teams. There will be placing of tracts on doors and in mailboxes in neighborhoods (note that this is not about knocking on doors and talking with people).  We aim to get out 144,000 tracts and that will take maximum efficiency. If we are close to finishing and have extra time then we can knock doors and get Bible study interests, for now, the tracts will do that for us. There will be distribution of literature in areas of public transportation and on busy streets and also in crowds when the pope will be there. The distribution will be made with help of both by cars and public transport.

Q: Will we go two by two?

A: Yes.  We will be going out in teams of 5-7 and two on a street across the street from each other in neighborhoods—not two people at each door.  Parking lots and other public venues will have us in teams close by each other as well.

Q: Will we be giving literature directly to people?

A: Yes. We will be alternating between placing literature in neighborhoods, parking lots, public transportation venues, crowded downtown streets, and potentially large crowds.  Each participant must be willing and able to give literature directly to people even though it might not be for the majority of the time.

Q: Will we be doing anything else like signing people up for Bible studies or praying for people or…?

A: If time permits, yes.  Our first and primary goal is to make sure that we distribute all 144,000 tracts. This will be our only focus until we know that we have some extra time to slow down.  The tracts will enable readers to sign up for studies. Please do not plan on getting into long conversations with people.  There is a time for everything, and this time is going to be devoted to reaching as many people as quickly as possible.

Q: How will meals work?

A: The trip organizers will provide two vegan meals a day (breakfast and lunch).  We will be running on a two meal a day schedule.  A late breakfast will be in the morning and we will have time for a break for lunch in the late afternoon.  If you need to have more than two meals a day, feel free to bring non-perishable items to snack on or have a light supper with while on the go.  Please let us know in advance if you have any special dietary requirements.

Q: Will we do anything illegal or will people get mad at us?

A: We will not be doing anything illegal.

Q: What is the daily schedule?

A: You will soon be able to find the schedule and also more information about what tracts we will use etc here: www.empowermissions.org/events/empower-lund-2016

Q: To which airport do I fly to?

A: The best option for most of you would be to fly to Copenhhagen and then take a train to Malmö or Lund where we could pick you up. You could also fly to Malmö airport. Other options are to fly to Gothenburg (Göteborg) or to Stockholm and take a train or a bus from there to Malmö or Lund.

Q: Who do I contact if I have more questions?

A: GLOW’s secretary at glow@cccsda.org | 559-347-3150 or contact info@empowermissions.org | +46 73 917 68 85

Q: I’m not from the U.S. Is there someone else I should contact if I have questions?

A: You can contact us via email at glow@cccsda.org or you can contact our European GLOW Coordinators Joel and Christian, based in Sweden at info@empowermissions.org or call us at +46 73 917 68 85.

**Note:  This will be an intense front-line distribution mission trip. You must be physically healthy and able to stand/walk for six full work days.

For more information on this mission trip, visit: www.empowermissions.org/events/empower-lund-2016

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