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Hello and welcome!  We hope and pray you will join us on an incredible mission trip–to distribute 1 million GLOW tracts in the Salt Lake City metropolitan area.  This trip will be intense and challenging but we want to reach out to our Mormon brothers and sisters with the three angels’ messages. Read the Q&A below to learn more about the trip and how to sign up!




Q: How do I sign up?

A: First, fill in your info in the forms above as well as info for two references. References are people that we will contact to learn a little more about you prior to acceptance on the mission trip.  After you have submitted your info in the forms, we will contact you regarding your acceptance.  Once accepted, we’ll email you a link to a webpage where you can finish up your application and make any necessary payments. (For mission trip costs, see question below)

Q: What is the cost for this mission trip?

A: Following is a breakdown of the costs for this mission trip:

1. Transportation to get to the mission trip facilities – on your own.
2. Food – $72
3. Lodging – $0
4. Transportation while there – $100
5. Insurance – $5
6. Bag Rental/Purchase – $15/$35
7. Background Check – $30 (Not necessary for everyone)
8. 1 Million tracts – $0

Total:  $192-$242*

*NOTE: Missionaries are not allowed to pay any costs until they been accepted.

Q: Is there an age requirement?

A: Yes, you must be over 18.

Q: Who will be leading this mission trip?

A: Leaders include Pacific Union GLOW Director, seasoned literature ministry leaders from the Pacific Union, Nevada-Utah Conference, and others.

Q: What kind of outreach will we be doing?

A: During the week we will divide up into teams in minivans.  There will be placing of tracts on doors in neighborhoods (note that this is not talking about knocking on doors and talking with people.  We aim to get out 1 million tracts and that will take maximum efficiency.  If we are close to finishing and have extra time then we can knock doors and get Bible study interests, for now, the tracts will do that for us.). There will be placing of literature on cars in parking lots.  There will be distribution of literature in areas of public transportation and on busy streets.  The bulk will be parking lots and neighborhoods.

Q: Will we go two by two?

A: Yes.  We will be going out in teams of 7 and two on a street across the street from each other in neighborhoods—not two people at each door.  Parking lots and other public venues will have us in teams close by each other as well.

Q: Will we be giving literature directly to people?

A: Yes. We will be alternating between placing literature in neighborhoods, parking lots, public transportation venues, crowded downtown streets, and potentially large crowds.  Each participant must be willing and able to give literature directly to people even though it might not be for the majority of the time.

Q: Will we be doing anything else like signing people up for Bible studies or praying for people or…?

A: If time permits, yes.  Our first and primary goal is to make sure that we distribute all 1 million tracts.  This will be our only focus until we know that we have some extra time to slow down.  The tracts will enable readers to sign up for studies.  Please do not plan on getting into long conversations with people.  There is a time for everything, and this time is going to be devoted to reaching as many people as quickly as possible.

Q: How will meals work?

A: The trip organizers/conference will provide two vegan meals a day (breakfast and lunch).  We will be running on a two meal a day schedule.  A late breakfast will be in the morning and we will have time for a break for lunch in the afternoon.  If you need to have more than two meals a day, feel free to bring non-perishable items to snack on or have a light supper with while on the go.  Please let us know in advance if you have any special dietary requirements.

Q: Will we do anything illegal or will people get mad at us?

A: No. Everything we do will be protected by our proselytization rights under the first amendment.  In fact, each participant will carry paperwork indicating our freedom to proselytize in such a manner.

Q: How will we get from the airport to the place where we are staying?

A: We’ll arrange that on a one by one basis as you figure your arrival times.  We will likely be picking you up in the rental vans.  Please arrive so that you are at the facilities for our first meeting at 6 PM on Friday, March 17th, 2017.

Q: What tracts will we be using? What titles?

A: TBD. Information will be forthcoming.

Q: What is the daily schedule?

A: Below you’ll find the tentative schedule (Sabbath schedule differs):

Until 7:30 a.m. Morning Devotions, Showers, Personal Time

7:45 – 9:15 a.m. Chores

9:15 – 10:00 a.m. Breakfast

10 – 10:45 a.m. Testimonies / Songs

10:45 – 11:30 a.m. Worship

11:30 – 12:30 p.m. Training

12:30 – 8:30 p.m. In the field/GLOWing (Lunch 3:30 – 4 p.m.)

10:00 p.m. Curfew

Q: Who do I contact if I have more questions?

A: GLOW’s secretary at glow@cccsda.org or 559-347-3150.

*Note:  This will be an intense front-line distribution mission trip. You must be physically healthy and able to stand/walk for eight full work days.

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