Hungary is eager to GLOW unreached areas. Become a missionary and help us GLOW! Help Total Member Involvement in Hungary reaching out to territories that have been never reached before!
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Read the Q&A below to learn more about the trip and how to sign up!
Q: How do I sign up?
A: First, fill in your info in the forms above as well as info for two references. References are people that we will contact to learn a little more about you prior to acceptance on the mission trip. After you have submitted your info in the forms, we will contact you regarding your acceptance. Once accepted, we’ll email you a link to a webpage where you can finish up your application and make any necessary payments. (For mission trip costs, see question below)
Q: What is the cost for this mission trip?
A: See below:
- Food – 25 USD/person/week – or 6500 HUF/person/week
- Accommodation – there is an opportunity for free accommodation in the seminary classrooms at Pécel Adventist Theology Seminary. However because it’s school time, the small rooms are occupied. Free housing is available in 2 classrooms (male and female), with showers and bathroom. You could also stay at a nearby guesthouse – for about 15 USD/person/night.
- Transportation – including your pickup from the airport – 10 USD/person or 2500 HUF/person
Q: Is there an age requirement?
A: Yes, you must be over 18 and capable of walking up to 8+ hours/day.
Q: Will we go two by two?
A: We’ll possibly have groups of 9 going in one minibus, and then dividing to twos in the neighborhood. Training on that will be provided.
Q: Will we be giving literature directly to people?
A: Yes. We will be alternating between placing literature in neighborhoods, parking lots, public transportation venues, crowded downtown streets, and potentially large crowds. Each participant must be willing and able to give literature directly to people even though it might not be for the majority of the time.
Q: Where will we give out the GLOW tracts?
A: Our accommodation will be located in the Adventist Seminary in Pécel, close to Budapest and to the airport (Budapest Liszt Ferenc Airport). It might be shocking how many small towns have not been reached in this region. We’ll also go into Budapest, advertising evangelistic meetings there. Most of the tracts will be placed in mailboxes or in people’s hands, we are planning to go also in the railway stations. All of these options will be legal.
Q: How will meals work?
A: We provide plant-based meals cooked by a wonderful lady. You can enjoy Hungarian dishes. If you have any special dietary requirements, please let us know. We’ll have breakfast together, sack-lunch taken to the field and a hot meal for supper at the venue.
Q: How will we get from the airport to the place where we are staying?
A: The dates of the actual mission trip will be from Sunday, January 28 – Sunday, February 4, 2018! We’ll arrange how you arrive and where you are staying, generally, on a one by one basis. For international travelers (those traveling from the USA), we recommend you arrive before sunset, January 27th to avoid traveling on the Sabbath!
If you wish to arrive earlier, we recommend you to participate in the Youth for Jesus Conference Hungary – where there will be seminars held about GLOW as well, including an outreach on Friday using the tracts. More information:
Q: What will be our daily schedule?
A: See below:
Q: Who do I contact if I have more questions?
A: Please contact Enikő Szőllősi (European and Hungarian GLOW coordinator) at
*Note: This will be an intense front-line distribution mission trip. You must be physically healthy and able to stand/walk for 8 full work days.