We’re going to Denver!
Join us as we pass out half a million GLOW in Denver! Colorado has one of the lowest percentages of people attending any kind of church in the country and has one of the highest suicide rates here in America. This is why we plan on blitzing Denver with half a million GLOW! To help those who are on the brink of giving up to find hope and to leave a dent on Satan’s kingdom. On our last day of passing out GLOW we will also be attending a Denver Nuggets game. So come do ministry, make memories, and have fun with other on fire young people here in Colorado!
Trip Details
Start: March 13, 2022 5pm
End: March 20, 2022 6pm
Organized by: GLOW
Venue: Mile High Academy (We are meeting here on March 13th at 5pm)
Primary Contact: Andre Tapia
Phone: 408.710.4386
Email: andret@rmcsda.org
Cost: $40 per person
Frequently Asked Questions!
Q: What is the main objective(s) of this mission trip?
A: To reach the most influential city in our conference which is Denver! We want to do through literature which is why we are using GLOW!
Q: How do I sign up?
A: First, fill in your info in the form below as well as info for two references. References are people that we will contact to learn a little more about you prior to acceptance on the mission trip. After you have submitted your info in the forms, we will contact you regarding your acceptance. Once accepted, we’ll email you a link to a webpage where you can finish up your application and make any necessary payments. (For mission trip costs, see question below)
Q: Is there an age requirement?
A: The age requirement is 14 – 25 for those who stay all seven nights at Mile High Academy, but all ages are welcome to join us for training, worship, and in the field to pass out GLOW in Denver!
Q: Who will be leading this mission trip?
Leaders include GLOW Director Nelson Ernst and experienced literature ministry leaders from throughout the North American Division.
What kind of outreach will we be doing?
We will be doing intense frontline ministry here in Denver. We will be passing out half a million GLOW by leaving them with people downtown, putting them on cars in parking lots, leaving them in businesses, along with other creative ways of leaving GLOW with people!
Will we go two by two?
Yes. We will be going out in teams of 7 or so and two on a street across the street from each other in neighborhoods—not two people at each door. Parking lots and other public venues will have us in teams close by each other as well. You might even be partnered with a local church member.
Will we be giving literature directly to people?
Yes. We will be alternating between placing literature in neighborhoods, parking lots, public transportation venues, and any crowded downtown streets. Each participant must be willing and able to give literature directly to people even though it might not be for the majority of the time.
Will we be doing anything else like signing people up for Bible studies or praying for people or…?
Yes we will! Although our main goal is to give as much GLOW as possible to people so we won’t be able to spend as much time with people, don’t be surprised if God leads you to divine appointment and gives you the opportunity to sign people up for Bible studies.
What will the Covid safety protocols be on the trip?
We will be wearing masks while going out in the field to pass out GLOW. Anyone can attend the outreach regardless of vaccination status.
Where will we stay? What will the accommodations be like?
Since this is a mission trip and we are trying to keep expenses as low as possible, we will be staying at Mile High Academy. Missionaries need to bring sleeping items as we will be sleeping on the floor. Inflatable mattresses, sleeping bags, and pillows will definitely be a blessing.
How will meals work?
The trip organizers/conference will provide two plant-based meals a day (breakfast and lunch). We will be running on a two meal a day schedule. A late breakfast will be in the morning and we will have time for a break for lunch in the afternoon. If you need to have more than two meals a day, feel free to bring items to snack on or have a light supper while on the go. Please let us know in advance if you have any special dietary requirements. We might not be able to accommodate various requests but will make a reasonable attempt to do so.
Will we do anything illegal or will people get mad at us?
We will not be engaging in illegal activity. However, one never knows the reactions of people who receive our literature.
What is the Daily Schedule?
Below you’ll find the tentative daily schedule (Sabbath schedule differs):
- Until 7:30 a.m. Morning Devotions, Showers, Personal Time
- 8:15 – 9:30 a.m. Mission Trip Preparations
- 9:30 – 10:15 a.m. Breakfast
- 10:15 – 10:45 a.m. Testimonies / Songs
- 10:45 – 11:30 a.m. Worship
- 11:30 – 12:30 p.m. Training
- 12:30 – 8:30 p.m. In the field/GLOWing (Lunch 3:30 – 4 p.m.)
- 10:00 p.m. Time to Sleep
What is the cost of this trip?
This mission trip is $40 per person
Who do I contact if I have more questions?
Andre Tapia at andret@rmcsda.org or 408-710-4386
*Note: This will be an intense front-line distribution mission trip. You must be physically healthy and able to stand/walk for eight full work days.