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Join us for a 1-day GLOW outreach in the city of Exeter and Farmersville. Become a missionary today!

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Read the Q&A below to learn more about the trip and how to sign up!




Q: How do I sign up?

A: First, fill in your info in the forms. After you have submitted your info in the forms, we will contact you regarding your acceptance.


Q: Is there an age requirement?

A: Yes, you must be over 18 and capable of walking up to 8+ hours/day.

Q: Will we go two by two?

A: No, but this will vary.

Q: Will we be giving literature directly to people?

A: Yes. We will be alternating between placing literature in neighborhoods, parking lots, public transportation venues, crowded downtown streets, and potentially large crowds.  Each participant must be willing and able to give literature directly to people even though it might not be for the majority of the time.

Q: Where will we give out the GLOW tracts?

A: All over the city of Exeter and Farmersville.

Q: How will meals work?

A: We will provide lunch. Please let us know in advance if you have any special dietary requirements.

Q: Why are we GLOWing these two cities?

A: We are inviting the community for an addiction seminar by Chad Kruzer.

Q: Who do I contact if I have more questions?

A: Please contact Joey Manzanares (Central California Conference GLOW Director) at jmanzanares@cccsda.org or call 559-265-2180.

*Note:  This will be an intense front-line distribution mission trip. You must be physically healthy and able to stand/walk for 8 hours.

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