GLOW Ministry Mission Trip Report and Look Ahead

Argentina: GLOW just finished an exciting mission trip to the southern tip of the world. On April 8-17,
2022, 1 million GLOW tracts were distributed throughout the Southern Argentinian Conference. The
titles were on the Sabbath, the Second Coming, and NEWSTART principles. Nelson Ernst, GLOW’s
director, took a special small team to the very bottom of Argentina where they reached three cities with
108,000 GLOW. They gave away all of the tracts in the cities of Ushuaia, Tolhuin, and Rio Grande.
Ushuaia is billed as the southern most city in the world. Many testimonies came out of the mission trip
including meeting people who were already studying about the Sabbath and wondering about it when
they received the Sabbath tracts and one missionary entering a Sunday church and giving tracts to all 30
people in the church who gratefully accepted the literature and offered the missionary food. A video of
the outreach will be coming out soon.

Bolivia: GLOW is putting together a mission trip to reach Bolivia on March 17-25, 2023. GLOW will be
organizing a group of missionaries to distribute Spanish tracts in Cochabamba, Bolivia and surrounding
villages for one week. On the last Sabbath (25th) all Bolivian church members in La Paz, Cochabamba, and
Santa Cruz will join in the distribution and will help finish distributing 3 million tracts in total. Tract titles
and follow up ministries are still to be determined.

Philippines: GLOW, in conjunction with the three Philippine Unions, is putting together a mission trip to
reach the entirety of the Philippines on April 12-20, 2024. GLOW will be organizing a group of
missionaries to distribute tracts in an undetermined area in the Philippines for one week. On the last
Sabbath (20th) all Philippine church members in all three Unions will join in the distribution and will help
finish distributing 50 million tracts in total. This will be the largest single distribution of literature in the
history of the Adventist church. Tract titles are still to be determined. On the day of mass distribution
(20th) Doug Bachelor will begin his first night of meetings which will be broadcast to all churches in the
Philippines. Each tract will not only teach people about the Bible but also direct them to the meetings.
Our biggest obstacle is raising the half million dollars to print all 50 million tracts. Please keep this as an
item of prayer and consider donating at or by calling 559-347-3150.