Upcoming Mission Trips

(See all mission trips under ‘Trip‘ tab)


Its time intelligent mainstream Adventists get involved in front line ministry and do hard or even dangerous things for God.

GLOW Director Nelson Ernst

I was given instruction that as we approach the end, there will be large gatherings in our cities…and that preparations must be made to present the truth at these gatherings.

Ellen White

If there is one work more important than another, it is that of getting our publications before the public, thus leading them to search the Scriptures.

Ellen White


The GLOW tract ministry has been working for years to get everyone involved in carrying tracts with them wherever they go in daily life so they are ready to give it out as God opens opportunities.  This is still our primary emphasis, but we have recently seen the need to develop a more intense and challenging approach.  Millions of people are gathering at large events across the globe and only a hand full of Adventists are sometimes there to take advantage of these meetings for the spreading of the message.  GLOW has intentions, by God’s grace, to change this.  This website showcases some of the previous mission trips that GLOW has organized where we have distributed literal millions of tracts at large events with only small groups of committed Adventists.  These mission trips are intense and totally non-comfort zone in nature.  Check out the website to learn about the various mission trips being organized by GLOW or its affiliate groups and pray about signing up for one yourself.  You’ll be challenged, but if you stick through it, you’ll make a huge impact in thousands of lives.